Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good-bye Duck!

Wish you well Duck!


It is already October 17, 2013 and The Giant Rubber Duck, affectionately called, “Duck” will be leaving the waters of Pittsburgh soon.


It has been gray and rainy for days, I must go to say farewell before the fowl weather and heavy rains kick in, pardon the pun.
I always used to say on these days, "Good duck weather". But now that I know Duck, I try to restrain my tongue and consider his feelings. It is the kind thing to do.


After a quick peek, Duck turned his back on me when he saw me coming. “Why visit me now?” Quacks Duck.


But, when I pulled out the big luscious pear from my pocket that my friend Olga sent for Duck, he perked up a bit.


I told him I have been researching new homes for him so he can transition well on October 20th, when he gets out of jail.


One option was Young’s Funny Farm.  He could join up with other Duck Therapists and meet new clients through the farm.



They highly value therapy ducks and had this to say on their web site:


The ducks have a “magical” touch with people as they stroke the soft feathers.  They bring big smiles to all they visit.  

If that doesn’t appeal to duck, we can have him head up the next annual hospice fundraiser.  He can start planning now.



Duck's spirits picked up a bit after our visit.  I was joined by many other visitors that wanted to wish Duck well today.


I brought him to pear to symbolize what a good pair of friends we have become and to always remember I am here for him as his counselor and will support his career choices.  I plan to monitor Duck after job placement to help buoy his spirits and to be his career coach. Good-bye for now Duck. We love you!!!




  1. Yes we will. Thanks for the note. Duck is sorry he didn't meet you in person, but from what I've told him, he thinks that you are, "Just Ducky!"
