Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Call to Employers: The Rubber Duck needs a job....

Blog 4:  The Pittsburgh Rubber Duck Seeks Employment

So, far no employers have made job offers to the Rubber Duck whose sentence at Point State Park ends on October 20.

With a loss of esteem it would be nice if  someone from the PA CareerLink could volunteer its services to help. I used to call on Employers in Westmoreland County, but I noticed that the CareerLink has an Allegheny County location with Account Representatives that could volunteer their services:

PA CareerLink® Pittsburgh/Allegheny County
425 6th Avenue, 22nd Floor
Pittsburgh PA 15219

Maybe someone can yell out the window with a megaphone to counsel the poor duck.....

Potential opportunities for Duck:

  • Just Ducky Tours - Mascot
  • Sandcastle Waterpark - Buoy
  • Visit Pittsburgh- Greeter
  • Venture Outdoors (North Shore) - Paddleboard and Kayak Instructor
Ducky would also be interested in retraining opportunities...Quack, Quack!!


  1. Those are great potential opportunities. Quack, Quack.

  2. Thanks Aziz! If you think of anything else...Quack, Quack....

  3. How about Party Inflatable Rubber Duck, or for any major holiday, or event. Quack, Quack...

  4. A special event duck with a floatation compartment could work! Quack, Quack!! Thanks for the tip. Liz
